NY Tourism Jobs

Job Information

Monroe County, NY Laborer - Parks Intern - Zoo Keeper (Seasonal) in Rochester, New York

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Laborer - Parks Intern - Zoo Keeper (Seasonal)

Location: Rochester, NY

Title: Laborer - Parks Intern - Zoo Keeper (Seasonal)

Deadline: Until Filled

Salary: $17.36 - $20.51 per hour

Agency/Dept.: Parks

Description of Duties

Duties include assisting experienced Zoo staff members in basic husbandry, diet preparation, public animal feedings and Zoo tours. Simple area and grounds maintenance, exhibit maintenance, raking, weeding, snow removal and other duties as assigned.

Minimum Qualifications

S pec i al R eq u i r e men t s :

P ossess i on of a v a li d Cl ass * D * O pe r a t o r' s li c ense i ssued by t he N e w Y o r k S t a t e D epa r t m e nt o f M o t or V eh i c l es at t i m e o f appo i n tm e n t .

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