Job Information
City of Oneonta Police Officer Exam #60021640 in ONEONTA, New York
Patrols an assigned area on foot, or in an assigned patrol car; Checks doors and windows on unoccupied businesses and residential property; Investigates suspicious activities and makes arrests for violations of Federal and State laws and local ordinances; Escorts prisoners to jail and to court and has them booked on charges; Conducts investigations of wanted and missing persons and stolen cars and property; Directs traffic and issues summonses for traffic violations; Tickets cars for applicable parking violation; Directs crowds and maintains order at parades and other public gatherings; Answers questions for and directs the public; Receives complaints of violations from the public; Reports serious defects in streets and in related matters requiring the attention of the Public Service Department; Broadcasts radio messages in connection with police work; Conducts criminal investigations when assigned to work as a detective; MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be high school graduates or possess a high school equivalency diploma by an education department of any of the states of the United States or holders of a comparable diploma issued by any territory, commonwealth, or possession of the United States or by the Canal Zone or holders of a report from the United States Armed Forces certifying successful completion of the tests related to general education development, high school level. 4. A conflict with a previously scheduled commitment to participate as a member of a ceremonial party, such as a wedding, baptism, bar mitzvah or graduation, or as a member of the immediate family or household of the individual for whom the ceremony is being held. 5. A conflict with a professional or educational examination, including Federal or New York State Civil Service or educational examinations. Examples of professional examinations include the Certified Public Accountant or Professional Engineer examination. Examples of educational examination include the Scholastic Aptitude Test and Graduate Record Examination. 6. A conflict with a previously scheduled vacation, professional conference or retreat for which a significant non-refundable deposit was made prior to the date the examination announcement was issued. 7. A conflict with a court ordered appearance. 8. Hospital confinement, medical emergency or health problem of the candidate or member of the immediate family or household in which candidate resides, if documented by attending physician. 9. Emergency weather conditions, verified by the local public safety agency, that result in the closing of specified roads, highways or independent transportation services, which prevent a candidate from reaching the test center. 10. A conflict with a previously established work schedule that cannot be rearranged. 11. A vehicle breakdown or traffic accident that prevents the candidate from reaching the test center, if documented by a police official or vehicle towing or repair station. 12. When a candidate's family member or a member of the candidate's household has been approved to take the same examination on an alternate test date, thereby making it mandatory that all candidates from the family or household participate in the examination on the alternate date. 13. Any other reason, considered on a case-by-case basis, determined by the Commission to be sufficient justification for granting an alternate date. ONEONTA MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DATE ISSUED: January 23, 2025 AGE: Candidates must be at least 19 years of age on or before May 3, 2025 to be admitted to the written test. Eligibility for appointment as a Police Officer begins when the candidate reaches age 20. Candidates who reach their 35th birthday on or before the date of written examination are not qualified except as follows: Candidates may have a period of military duty or terminal leave up to six years, as defined in Section 243 (10-a) of the Military Law, deducted from their age for the purpose of meeting the age requir