Job Information
Camp Merz Waterfront Staff/Lifeguard in Mayville, New York
FT: Seasonal, Waterfront Staff/Lifeguard Mayville.
Position Concept:
Responsible for all tasks assigned by your area director. This includes but is not limited to: the development of lesson plans, merit badge teaching, safety procedures, etc. Also responsible for participation in evening and special programs. Report to the Waterfront Director.
Qualifications: At least 15 years old. Must be able to lift 50 lbs
Pre-camp Preparations
Attend Orientation / Beaver Day. This is a work day to start getting ready to setup camp.
Attend CPR / First aid training.
Attend Directors week for Red Cross Lifeguard Training.
Attend Opening Staff Week
oCamp setup
oArea setup
oAdditional duties as assigned.
Take several online trainings
Purchase a uniform through the camp provided order portal.
Be physically fit and able to pass the BSA Lifeguard certification training and test.
Duties During Camp
During the camp season, your duties may include any or all of the following:
Teach Merit Badge Classes as assigned.
Lifeguarding as assigned.
Spend one night per week on outpost to various locations.
Perform patrol duties** such as (Program, Cleaning, Fire building, Service and others)
Responsible for maintaining the policies set up by the B.S.A. and the Allegheny Highlands Council regarding the health and safety of staff, campers, and visitors.
Following directions.
Attend Closing Staff Week
Attend daily morning staff meetings.
All other duties as assigned by the Area Director.
Subject to reference check and criminal background check. Pay rate: $18/hour.
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